In Åre. At home, again. Number one for the first time in a World Cup ever. Wow, I was really looking forward to racing with bib 1. My lucky day, my lucky number, my lucky everything. Except that this time the run does not start so great. I stress it a bit. Go too straight. It is icy and it is not that easy to let the skies go their own way. I am trying to get to the point where I can push, but for some reason I am just a bit behind. Stressing. Faster. Happens to go too straight and have to work to get up the tempo all over again. A dismiss from the skis and all of a sudden I am about to fall. But the outside ski is catching an edge and my knee sounds and I feel how it is just dislocating. But I just hope that nothing is wrong. I cannot feel pain, I just go. But then something is jumping around and suddenly I feel a lot, something is really not right. So I force myself to stop. I thought I knew in the slope right away that it was the ACL. But it was not. My thoughts wander to the next season in the slope already and a long break from my beloved sport was about to start.