Third place in slalom!


Sara Hector, third place in slalom in Flachau, photo: Agencezoom

The morning of the race I woke up feeling energized and happy. I had a quieter morning with some easier activation exercises. The check-in went well and I felt ready to race. Our coach had set the course for the first run and I thought it looked very nice. It was quite a simple set up. I tried to focus on what I had to do. I felt happy with the first run from a technical point, but I felt like I wasn’t really going for it! The second run was perhaps set a little more tricky, but still with a nice rhythm. In that run I tried to give it my all, but not without doing the technical parts that were in my plan. I had a bubbling feeling in my body and the atmosphere was incredible when you looked out from the start gate. I could hear my heart beating and I felt very focused. I gave it my all and wow, it was enough for a podium! 🥹

I feel so proud and grateful to have the world’s best team around me! 🙏

Photo featured in this article is from Agence Zoom (Instagram @agencezoom)

One response to “Third place in slalom!”

  1. Thank you for the show in Flauchau. ⛷️☀️. And thx for the autograph on my little girls helmets. The danish girls, just before you went for the bib draw.
    Tak for det:-)

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