Raceweekend in Semmering


Sara Hector - Semmering 2024

Congratulations to the great races in Semmering, how was it?

The races in Semmering were a lot of fun. Great atmosphere, the racecourse had a nice surface and overall really fun! 🤩

I got a bit surprised that I did so good in the slalom race. I feel that the training days I had In Zoncolan (in Italy) were good for me. In the Giant-slalomrace there were parts of the course (in both first and second run) where I skied really good.

I am very happy with the results this weekend and looking forward to more races.

You have had training days in Cortina where you did some Super-G skiing. Can you tell us more about this?

This was my coach’s plan! We found an easy slope and did some practice runs so that I could get the feel of more speed in my skiing. It was fun, but nothing more than that. We don’t have a plan to compete, but just for me to maybe become a little more brave.  

During racing season, how do you plan your strength training and your skiing to keep your strength in good shape throughout the season without becoming overtrained?

I try to find a good balance between skiing and strength training and I go with my gut feeling. If my body responds well then I go for it. If my body doesn’t respond well then I train less. More often heavier weights with fewer repetitions. It also depends on how tough the training on the slopes, both the amount and the course. I try to have a good continuity but it’s of course more important to be ready for skiing.

The goal in each race is of course to win/get on the podium, but would you rather be in the lead after the first run and then follow the other racers (to see if anyone skis faster) or do you want to come in 2nd/3rd place after the first run and then “chase”/have to be the one to ski faster to win the race?

Of course you always give it your all in each race and are happy for good results. I’m always happy for fast times! No need to put energy into thinking about that. I try to focus on what I’m going to do in each race. The rest will come as it does.

Written by
/Beata and Jonas Gold, GoldLife

Sara Hector - Semmering 2024

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